Recently Jason wrote about God’s Gym, and I’d love to share my two cents on this same topic.
Simply put: My husband is spiritually buff.
He put the reps in, day after day after day after day.
It’s a bare minimum of 60 minutes in his prayer chair, showing up often in the dark. No excuses or exceptions.
Last year after his annual 3 day retreat we went on a giant walk and he shared with me that his new life goal was to be a Saint. (Yes, that’s a capital S.)
💥 Boom! 💥
St. JP2 calls us NOT to be afraid to be saints.
… crickets.
Um, can we talk for a minute about what happens to “real” Saints?!!
… often martyrdom and usually in extremely glorious ways! 🫤
(Check out the amazing St. Cecilia and her final three days of life on earth. She’s my new rockstar saint, I’m a fangirl.).
As Jason shared this news with me, so passionately and decisively, I could tell his mind was already made up. This was NOW his ultimate goal: Sainthood.
Having shared life with Jason for almost three decades, I know that once he’s decided something, it’s just a matter of time before it becomes a reality. (Who would ever believe that an artist and a teacher would somehow live on Lake Michigan… Jason’s lake house dream was unbelievable to almost everyone!)
He’s an extremely intuitive person with a deep connection to God’s call, so this life goal of striving toward Sainthood will now level up his focus to make it possible (God willing, of course).
Fast forward 12 months. It’s now been a full year since this bold declaration.
… a FULL year.
Be careful what you pray for, my friends. 🤯 😮
It has been a FULL year of extreme testing, perseverance and virtue building.
Spiritual workouts.
These continuous reps have been building stronger faith muscles. So many reps. So much muscle.
The tests are real.
It is obvious that Jason is a threat to the darkness. I mean, check out what he’s reading right now…

I am so proud of all of the ways Jason has leaned into the tools that our beautiful Catholic faith gives us. He has spent HOURS in prayer, Eucharistic Adoration, Mass, saying rosaries with Mother Mary solo in the mornings and as a family each night, reading scripture, studying the Saints, forming an epic Saint Posse to rely on, visiting the Holy Family in his prayer time on a regular basis, sketching and painting Saints, attending his first Cursillo experience, consecrating our home to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, staying committed to our tithe even when it didn’t make sense at all, meeting on a regular basis in small groups of faithful friends discussing our faith journeys, blessing our kids with holy water and praying over them at night, and even leading a teen Bible study for our kids and their homeschool friends.
God has been busy with his soul.
And, Jason has said YES. He now kneels by our bed at night to give thanks for whatever day unfolded and faithfully grabs my hand in bed each night to pray together as a couple, strengthening our marriage Sacrament. These daily disciplines continue to change his heart and mind, transforming his soul into a more saintly person.
Will it all lead to capital S Sainthood?! Only God knows and only He can make this possible.
But in the meantime my husband is spiritually buff and it’s sexy. He is the head of our household, walking hand-in-hand with St. Joseph, leading myself and our kids with faith, fortitude, and humility. This is TRUE strength!
The darkness is present, on our heels most days, but the LIGHT of Christ is brighter.
Praise Jesus for my husband’s desire for Sainthood. It has changed me, our marriage, and our entire family for the better!
To God be the Glory! Amen.
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