Category: Reflections

  • Be Open to Something Better

    Be Open to Something Better

    I recently came across this in my photo stream. Part photo, part iPad drawing, it’s my original vision of the art studio I wanted to build as an addition to our home. This was exactly what I wanted; a little extra light-filled space added on to the home office already there. If I could have…

  • The Divine Lego Set

    The Divine Lego Set

    An atheist observes all the Lego bricks scattered about and sees them as random and meaningless. A saint sees the picture on the box and understands that there is a purpose to all this, that it all fits together in an ordered and beautiful way. All too often, I see the picture on the box…

  • A Message in a Bottle

    A Message in a Bottle

    On our very first date, Kim and I agreed to live on a lake. As we began the process of getting to know each other, we got talking about our ideal place to live. For some reason, Idaho was mentioned. (When you grow up in a small town in Illinois surrounded by cornfields, almost everywhere…

  • You Are Loved

    You Are Loved

    When I was 6 years old I had my first ride in a commercial airplane. Having a Dad who was passionate about aircraft, I was certainly well prepared for a good experience. I remember loving it all, the take-off, the landing, and everything in between! I especially LOVED being up in the clouds. I felt…

  • My Not-So-Trusty Screwdriver

    My Not-So-Trusty Screwdriver

    Every house, condo, or apartment needs a screwdriver. And if it offers the option to switch between a flathead and a Phillips, it’s hard to imagine a tool that’s more useful in a home. I started thinking about useful tools after reading the biography of Mother Angelica and watching a documentary on the life of…

  • How Many Seeds in a Watermelon?

    How Many Seeds in a Watermelon?

    What do motivational posters, charismatic preachers, and embroidered pillows have in common? They regularly tell us to count our blessings. If we’re in the midst of a good day, we’d probably admit it would take a long time to count all our blessings. Maybe even longer than it would take to count all the seeds…

  • The Skeptic

    The Skeptic

    I’ve never been an atheist. But I’ve certainly been a skeptic, especially when it comes to the Catholic Church. I went to Catholic school up to 8th grade before transitioning to a public high school. It gave me a foundation, but I didn’t own my faith. Religion was just another class, like science or math…

  • I Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts

    I Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts

    I remember it clearly. I was about five years old. My parents were watching a Christian TV program (on our console television set, the one with the dial channel changer). The subject being discussed was the Holy Ghost. Yikes! The Holy Ghost?! 👻 This got my attention!! I sat on our family room floor, our…

  • Behold Your Mother

    Behold Your Mother

    Sixteen years ago I celebrated my first Mother’s Day, being just a few months pregnant with “Uncle Ben” (this was our funny little nickname for the baby I carried). When I first learned I was pregnant, the website said the baby at this early stage was the size of a piece of rice. This inspired…

  • Tuesdays with Jesus

    Tuesdays with Jesus

    As a work-at-home, homeschool Mom, who runs a business with her husband, I’m always in search of peace. ALWAYS! Plus, as an Enneagram 9w8, I’m a bit of a peace junkie. I literally can’t get enough. You’ve heard of “Tuesdays with Morrie”? We have Tuesdays with Jesus. … in Eucharistic Adoration. 🙏🏻 (Not familiar with…