Come Back to Adoration
“Jesus has made Himself the Bread of Life to give us life. Night and day, He is there. If you really want to grow in love, come back to the Eucharist, come back to Adoration.” – St. Teresa of Calcutta
The Immaculate Tour Guide
in ReflectionsThe Mass is boring. I grew up Catholic, and when I was a kid, that’s how I felt. And I’ll admit that there have even been times as an adult when I find my mind wandering or glance down to check my watch. And yet…ever since my youth, despite my occasional lack of enthusiasm for…
The Greatest Superhero
in ReflectionsI was leading a Bible study with my kids and their homeschool friends recently. We were digging into the story in Matthew in which Jesus sent his Apostles out on a mission. He gave them some of his superpowers: casting out demons, healing the sick, cleansing lepers, and raising the dead. I asked the kids…
Jesus is on the Move – Today and Always
History is being made right now, as I type this! The National Eucharistic Pilgrimage, which started on May 18th is on the move and the momentum is undeniable. Four routes are making a literal cross across the United States, all coming together on July 17th in Indianapolis for the first National Eucharistic Congress in 83…
Tuesdays with Jesus
As a work-at-home, homeschool Mom, who runs a business with her husband, I’m always in search of peace. ALWAYS! Plus, as an Enneagram 9w8, I’m a bit of a peace junkie. I literally can’t get enough. You’ve heard of “Tuesdays with Morrie”? We have Tuesdays with Jesus. … in Eucharistic Adoration. 🙏🏻 (Not familiar with…
How Beautiful
I felt the tears coming. Oh man. 😝 It took extreme focus to simultaneously savor the beauty I was witnessing and not ugly cry right there. I have attended a lot of First Communions in my lifetime of being a Catholic, but today it all felt different. Today, I found myself standing behind the altar…