Category: Reflections

  • Horses vs. Hummingbirds

    Horses vs. Hummingbirds

    One of the main reasons I wrote the book Must Be Nice is because I compare myself to other people all the time. Social media exacerbates this, but honestly, I don’t need anybody’s help. I compare myself to other speakers, other artists, and authors. Both dead and alive. I compare myself and my house and my yard…

  • The Most Powerful One Word Prayer

    The Most Powerful One Word Prayer

    We’ve experienced some traumatic events in our life recently. And on the days that are immediately in the midst of it all, I have found comfort and strength praying the same one word prayer over and over, a calming rhythmic prayer, repeating the name of Jesus. Over and over and over and over and over.…

  • Enjoy the Woo!

    Enjoy the Woo!

    I think it’s safe to assume that physically, plunging down the first drop on a roller coaster feels a lot like riding a runaway train hurtling off a cliff. (Admittedly, I’ve never actually experienced the latter.) Even though our brains know the ultimate outcome of each event, both experiences will cause us to scream like that…

  • Working All Things for Good

    Working All Things for Good

    My wife took the beautiful photo that inspired this painting. There was something about this dandelion that captivated me.  He’s reaching the end of the line. He is weary, but remains proud and steadfast. Some called him a weed, disrupting the status quo and infecting the neighborhood. But he knows the truth. He has run his…

  • The Life-Changing Wisdom of the Cheetah

    The Life-Changing Wisdom of the Cheetah

    The cheetah is known for being fast. Really fast. It’s the fastest land mammal, achieving running speeds of up to 70 miles per hour. But what most people don’t know is that the cheetah can’t maintain those speeds for long. In fact, a cheetah spends very little of its time running. It needs to recuperate and build up…

  • Be Open to Something Better

    Be Open to Something Better

    I recently came across this in my photo stream. Part photo, part iPad drawing, it’s my original vision of the art studio I wanted to build as an addition to our home. This was exactly what I wanted; a little extra light-filled space added on to the home office already there. If I could have…

  • A Moonrise to Remember

    A Moonrise to Remember

    I pulled out a notebook and pushed aside the bowl of creamers and the container of jellies. My family was at one of our favorite breakfast spots, our go-to place for celebrating big milestones. This day was decidedly less joyful, however; more of an escape from a nightmare we recently experienced. A few miles away,…

  • A Guiding Light

    A Guiding Light

    “How do I die?” This is the question my dad asked me eleven days before he passed. He was confident in his decision to stop fighting his body, and it was obvious he felt liberated by this new thinking and was ready to get movin’. I loved the childlike anticipation in his curiosity. But really… How…

  • Follow the Arrows

    Follow the Arrows

    In January of 2020, I was thisclose to giving up on my twenty-year dream of living in a lake home. Then the pandemic hit, making the decision all but irrelevant, considering the fact I calculated that if we didn’t figure out an alternative revenue stream to speaking, we’d be bankrupt by November. Instead, that became the month…

  • I Got a Rock

    I Got a Rock

    In the immortal words of a trick-or-treating Charlie Brown…I got a rock. It wasn’t just any rock, mind you; it was a kindness rock. If you are unfamiliar with the concept, people hand-paint ordinary rocks with inspirational or encouraging messages and leave them in a public place for someone to find.  This particular one was shaped…