Category: Saints

  • The Patron Saint of Geeks

    The Patron Saint of Geeks



    Let’s be honest. When we think of saints, we usually picture people in robes and habits, sporting pious faces, long beards, or funny haircuts. Of course, in most cases, this was the normal look of the time in which they lived. But never have we seen a statue in a church of a saint dressed…

  • St. Teresa of Avila Friended Me

    St. Teresa of Avila Friended Me

    Have you ever had a saint “friend” you? Although I was born way back in the 1900s, I know that in our online world, to have a person “friend” you means they are adding you to their list of friends on a social media site, essentially including you in their social circle and expressing an…

  • Summoning Your Saint Posse

    Summoning Your Saint Posse

    When J.R.R. Tolkien wrote The Lord of the Rings, he gave us a vibrant metaphor for the Christian life. In many ways, we are all Frodo. We are all on a mission, called to take up our cross and wage war against evil and darkness. We’ve each been given a task only we can complete,…

  • Jolly Old St. Nick

    Jolly Old St. Nick

    St. Nicholas is in my “Saint Posse,” the name I’ve given the group of patron saints I feel especially close to and inspired by. It is thought that Nicholas may be the patron saint of more causes than any other saint, including children, sailors, merchants, archers, repentant thieves, brewers, pawnbrokers, toymakers, unmarried people, students, and…

  • Relics: What Superheroes Leave Behind

    Relics: What Superheroes Leave Behind

    On a visit to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion about an hour north of Sheboygan, my son Ben and I were marveling at the fact that the chapel had relics of each of the original Apostles (minus Judas, of course).  In the Catholic Church, a relic is a fragment of the body…

  • Saints & Superheroes

    Saints & Superheroes

    Batman is my favorite superhero. Wait, no, I think it’s Spiderman. Or maybe it’s Ironman? There’s something about superheroes that capture our imagination. The compelling backstories, colorful costumes, and superhuman powers all play a role. But I think the deeper connection is the virtue they embody and the example they set for us. Superheroes stand…