As You Wish

One of the most memorable lines in the movie The Princess Bride is, “As you wish.” At the start of the movie, we learn that the beautiful Buttercup has a farmhand named Westley, whom she bosses around. To each of her requests, Westley responds, “As you wish.” 

Later on, when Buttercup pushes Dread Pirate Roberts down the hill (whom she doesn’t yet realize is Westley), his response of “as you wish” is what reveals his true identity. 

“As you wish” could have easily been the response Mary gave when the angel Gabriel appeared to her at the Annunciation.

“As you wish” is what every single Saint said at some point in their lives as they responded to God’s call, even if it required walking away from their original plans.

“As you wish” is the response of every martyr who gave up their life for the Lord.

And when Buttercup throws herself down the hill to be with her beloved Westley for every treacherous bounce, it reminds me of the Father who remains with that martyr through every moment of the sacrifice.

“As you wish” is another way of saying, “Thy will be done.”

“As you wish” is what Jesus said to His Father in the Garden of Gethsemane the night before he died a horrible death on our behalf.

“As you wish” is a promise of devotion and true love that not even death can stop.

In the movie, the grandpa who is reading the story to his sick grandson explains that every time Westley says “as you wish,” what he really means is “I love you.”

When God asks us to do something for Him or to go somewhere on His behalf, may we always be like Westley as we respond, “As you wish.”


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