Two Charcoal Fires

Photo by Dylan Luder on Unsplash

There was a moment after Jesus’ resurrection, but before He ascended to Heaven, in which he ate breakfast with some of his disciples.

It was on the Sea of Tiberius, and once again, Jesus provided some of his expert fishing tips, telling the ragtag crew exactly where to cast their net. The resulting haul of fish was enough to remind Peter of a previous unforgettable fishing expedition. Knowing this couldn’t be anyone else, Peter jumped out of the fishing boat to be near his death-defeating friend.

Jesus already had a charcoal fire going, with some fish on it. And after breakfast, Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him. Not once, but three times. Jesus wasn’t needy or hard of hearing. It was a chance for Peter to be reconciled for denying him.

Before Jesus was crucified, Peter had the opportunity to stand up for him, but he didn’t. He denied even knowing Jesus. Three times. (After being warned that he would!) This too occurred near a charcoal fire, in the courtyard of the high priest.

So a charcoal fire is the scene where Peter denied Jesus during his darkest moment.

And another one is at that seaside breakfast where Jesus offered Peter healing and a chance to try again.

Fun fact: these are the only two mentions of a charcoal fire in the entire New Testament.

How cool is that?!


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